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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Last year, The Salvation Army Adopt-A-Family program in Anchorage was able to provide memorable Christmas mornings for families who faced emergency situations within the home during the 2022 Christmas season. We could not have done this without
the generous support of our amazing sponsors!!
As you know, hardships and family emergencies never stop, and this year is no exception. Thank you for your willingness to join with us in helping these families, many of whom are facing medical situations, loss of employment, death of a family member, or a plethora of other possible emergencies. All families chosen go through a screening process to ensure they fit with this program’s criteria.

Adopt a Family Guidelines

Sponsor Responsibilities

1. Gift Card for food ($50 small/med family, $100 large family)
2. New outfit or shoes for each child ($50 per child)
3. 2 new toys per child
4. New gift item for mother and/or father (or other adult in household) ($50 total)

Both sponsors & families remain anonymous. The gifts need to be new, unwrapped items. We cannot accept used
items as Christmas gifts for this program (NO EXCEPTIONS). Please share this with your team or organization. (You may include wrapping paper/supplies for the parents to wrap the gifts.)

 We do not have access to refrigeration or freezer space, so we are NOT able to accept perishable food.

Gift Certificates are accepted for food items, however we ask child’s
gifts to be purchased, not just given a gift certificate.


December 17th-18th, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM - 1701 C St, Anchorage. 

Major Jennifer Erickson-King will email you with a designated time to drop off gifts. This will ensure an
easy drop off without a lot of sponsors waiting in line. If you prefer a specific
time, please coordinate with me ahead of time so I can reserve that time
for you.

PLEASE NOTE: We will need to inventory your family gifts BEFORE you
leave. Please help us by making the gifts/food easy to see and check off. This
is to ensure family members are not accidentally forgotten.

Adopt-A-Family (referrals and sponsorship placement) Program closes Wednesday, December 7.


Contact Major Jennifer Erickson-King for more information
Office (907) 375-3585